Baccarani Beauty Clinic
World Class Aesthetic Care

Aging gracefully may seem like an impossible goal, but with exosome rejuvenation therapy, you can do it!

This therapy is the latest scientific biotechnological breakthrough to create clinically proven skin rejuvenation and regeneration. Harness the power of over ten billion freeze-dried exosomes derived from stem cells, potent growth factors, peptides, coenzymes, minerals, amino acids, and vitamins.  

This therapy can help repair damaged skin and tissues by promoting skin cell renewal and the production of fibroblasts, collagen, and elastin. It thus repairs sun damage caused by environmental pollution and the natural aging process.

Dr. Daniel Baccarani Alemán, a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, and expert in skin and aging, will gladly explain the treatment and everything you need to know about exosomes.

For more information, you can call 6432-8321 and 388- 5547 and follow them @clinicabaccarani

Baccarani Beauty Clinic
Matt Ferro 26 enero, 2024
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Pedasi Town and Playa Venao
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